About Dr. Underwood
Dr. Underwood
Before pursuing dentistry, Dr. Underwood lived in the small town of Waukomis, Oklahoma. He first studied Electrical Engineering at Oklahoma State but switched to Microbiology, earning his B.S. in 1974. Upon graduation, he was offered a job in St. Louis working for NASA. There he helped develop an automated bacterial identification system. This became the AutoMicrobic System which is still used by hospitals to this day. While fully employed, Dr. Underwood received his Masters of Science from Southern Illinois University. After a few years of work as a microbiologist, he decided to change career paths and move back to Oklahoma.
In 1984, Dr. Underwood received his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Oklahoma and has worked in Oklahoma City ever since. For Dr. Underwood, dentistry allows him to make a difference in individual patient’s lives. His passion for dentistry has made him an active member of the American Dental Association, of which he is now a life member.
When he’s not working, Dr. Underwood spends most of his time with family. He met his wife, Pat, when they were in high school and are now celebrating 45 years of marriage. They have a daughter, Erica, who is married to Dr. Faulconer, and two grandchildren with a third on the way. Dr. Underwood loves sharing his hobbies with his grandkids and is currently teaching his grandson, Hunter, how to build rockets. He dabbles in glassblowing, furniture building, and is a huge sports fan. He, along with the rest of the Underwoods, have spent years going to football and basketball games together.